Sunday, May 16, 2010

Do people have the right to green lawns?

With my post a few days ago, water has been the subject in my face for the last couple of weeks now. An issue has come to me and I am not really sure how I feel about it. I was thinking about all of the resorts in Palm Springs, green lawns in Arizona and Texas, and all of the water being diverted to areas with high populations but no nearby water source. At first I get upset at all of this water being wasted and think that we should just stop using water in those areas. Tell people they cannot have green grass in Arizona and tell people in Southern California that if they want to keep using up all of Northern California's water and drying up the Colorado River than they should pay more and if not, they should just move away. Is this a fair thing then to deny people of their rights to live in what would be dry areas that we as humans in the last hundred or so years have made water accessible? At what is now being seen as a higher cost than our ancestors thought.

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